Wanganui Speed Skating Club

Welcome to our web pages, here you can find out all about Wanganui Speed Skating Club: who we are, where we meet, what we've won, what we will win and see photos and videos

18 December 2012

Training Schedule for Xmas/New Year Break

Saturday 22nd - Palmerston North, Memorial Park be there at 8.45.

Sunday 23rd - Edith Collier Drive (new subdervision next to Kowhainui Rest home, off Virgina Road), time to be confirmed.

Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th - No Training

Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th - Mitre 10 Mega - 6pm.

Friday 28th - Jubilee Stadium - Time to be confirmed.

Saturday 29th - Kowhai Park - 8am.

Sunday  30th and Monday 31st - No Training ... Message from Gary these are to be Total Rest Days where you do very little activity e.g read a book or watch movies, do not wear your self out  by going to the beach, park or swimming etc.

Tuesday 1st - There will be a warm up day in Palmerston North at Memorial Park - time to be confirmed.

Learn to skate classes at the rink - Final session for the year is this Thursday 20th december and will restart Thursday 17th January.